
You can publish your OakVar modules to the OakVar store with OakVar command-line interface. For example, let's say you made an awesome OakVar annotation module named awesome and wants to share it with the world. You can do this in three steps. 

ov module pack awesome

This will create one or two files, depending whether your module has data folder in it or not. Your module's code will be packed into awesome__<version> where version is the version number defined in awesome.yml file in your module's directory, and if your module has data subdirectory, awesome__<version> also will be created.

If your module is bigger than 1GB, --split option can be given. This will split the code and the data of your module into zip part files of 1GB each. For example, if awesome module is 2.5GB big and most of the size is from its data,

ov module pack awesome --split

will produce the following files.


Then, upload these zip files to somewhere people can download. Using their URLs,

ov store register awesome --code-url ... --data-url ...

will register your module in the OakVar store. --data-url is needed only if your module produced a data zip file. If you have many split zip files, -f option can be given with a YAML format file with code and data URLs. For example,

ov store register awesome -f urls.txt

with urls.txt of the following content


will register the module.

This way, you have total control of your module's publication. You can just delete the module zip files from where you stored them and OakVar store will automatically deregister those deleted versions. If you move the module zip files to new locations you can just register them again with new URLs.