Python API
OakVar functionality is available through Python API. For example, OakVar's annotation pipeline can be started with the following:
>>> import oakvar as ov
>>>["input.vcf"], annotators=["clinvar"], report_types=["vcf"])
There is 1 to 1 correspondence between command-line interface commands and Python API functions. The table below shows such correspondence.
CLI | Python API | Functionality |
ov config system | oakvar.api.config.system | Gets or sets system configuration. |
ov config user | oakvar.api.config.user | Gets user configuration. |
ov issue | oakvar.api.report_issues | Opens a webpage to report OakVar issues. |
ov license | oakvar.api.license | Gets the OakVar license information. |
ov module info | | Gets information on a module. |
ov module install | oakvar.api.module.install | Installs modules. |
ov module installbase | oakvar.api.module.installbase | Installs system modules. |
ov module ls | | Lists modules. |
ov module pack | oakvar.api.module.pack | Packs a module for registration at OakVar store. |
ov module uninstall | oakvar.api.module.uninstall | Uninstalls modules. |
ov module update | oakvar.api.module.update | Updates modules. |
ov new exampleinput | | Creates an example input file. |
ov new module | | Creates a template for a new module. |
ov report | | Generates report files from OakVar result databases. |
ov run | | Runs the OakVar annotation pipeline. |
ov store delete | | Deletes a module from the OakVar store. |
ov store fetch | | Fetches the OakVar store cache. |
ov store login | | Logs in to the OakVar store. |
ov store logout | | Logs out from the OakVar store. |
ov store register | | Register a module at the OakVar store. |
ov store url | | Gets the URL of the OakVar store. |
ov store account change | | Changes the password of an OakVar store account. |
ov store account check | | Checks if logged in at the OakVar store. |
ov store account create | | Creats an OakVar store account. |
ov store account delete | | Deletes an OakVar store account. |
ov store account reset | | Invokes a password change email for an OakVar store account. |
ov system account check | oakvar.api.system.check | Checks OakVar installation on the system. |
ov system md | | Gets or sets the OakVar modules directory. |
ov system setup | oakvar.api.system.setup | Sets up OakVar in the system. |
ov update | oakvar.api.update | Gets OakVar version. |
ov version | oakvar.api.version | Gets OakVar version. |
OakVar Python API has a utility function to help data science with genomic data. If an OakVar analysis produced ov_result.sqlite
result database file, the following will produce a Polars DataFrame from variant
level data of the result database.
>>> import oakvar as ov
>>> df = ov.get_df_from_db("ov_result.sqlite", table="variant")