OakVar: Genomic Variant Analysis Platform
- Annotate genomic variants with diverse annotation sources.
- Make databases of annotated variants.
- Query annotated variants with filter sets.
- Make reports in diverse formats.
- Visualize annotated variants with graphical user interface.
- Works via CLI and GUI.
- Easily develop, run, and distribute CLI and GUI genomics apps. OakVar acts as an operating system for genomics apps.
- Connect genomic data to AI/ML models.
OakVar is a genomic variant interpretation platform. Genomic variants can be annotated with diverse annotation sources, stored in databases, queried with filter sets, written to reports in diverse formats, and visualized with graphical user interfaces. Furthermore, OakVar supports command-line and graphical user interface apps which use the annotated variant data generated by OakVar, just like an operating system supports applications on it.